Badge of Merit Award
Program Objectives:
To provide for an Award to be presented by “military” and “non-military” organizations whose members who are not members of JROTC/ROTC Accredited Military Services High School Educational Programs
To recognize individuals from other youth non-educational attached programs with recognition for their demonstrated leadership roles within their organizations and communities
1. Awarded to a member of a “Youth” or “Military Based” Organization:
• That does not qualify under the criteria for the JROTC Award Program• Organizations Eligible
- Civil Air Patrol
- Navy Sea Cadets
- Young Marines
- Scouting America
- Girl Scouts
- Mid-School Pre-ROTC
- Exceptions on a case by case approval

2. Badge of Merit Award Requirements:
• Recommended: One award presented per Organization per Year (Maximum 2)• Previous Recipients ARE NOT eligible for the Award again
• Been member of organization for two (2) years or more
• Recommended Age Range: Pre-High School, Non-JROTC High School or Exceptions Case by Case
Meet the Leadership and Involvement requirements:
- For Meritorious Action, Extraordinary Fidelity and Outstanding Service to their Organization or Community
- Not in “Senior Leadership” position - “Program Leader or Company Commander”
- Standout among “Peers”
- Will still be a member of the organization in upcoming years to be example of the qualification required and to demonstrate these abilities they demonstrated for the award

“Medal” Based Award
Service Bar with Inscription “Meritorious Service”
Suspension Plate with “Badge of Merit 1782”
Color - Purple/White with Gold edge trim
“Cloth” Based Award Service Bar with Inscription “Meritorious Service”
Embroidered Patch using design of the “Badge of Merit 1782”

Contact Information
Roger Newall
ROTC/Youth Services Officer
Phone: (505) 610-1533