Mission Statement
The Mission of the Military Order of the Purple Heart USA Suicide Awareness project is to provide its members (Patriots, Associates and Auxiliary) with education, resources and tools to join in the fight to end suicide. We provide a course targeted to empower Veterans, Peers and/or family members to ask the right questions, persuade a person in crisis to seek help and provide resources in their local areas. We strive to save lives by networking and partnering with other Veteran Service organizations, Mental Health Programs and advocacy groups with the goal to end suicide. We participate in VA discussions, collaboratives and committees and stay up to date on the greatest and latest in resources and education. We participate at events, fairs and speaking engagements educating laymen and spreading awareness. Anyone can join the fight! Everyone should join the fight! We aim to help any veteran, family member or civilian in crisis. Our ultimate goal is to educate, inspire and end the suicide crisis.
Be aware, save a life today
"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"
-Victor Hugo
Click here for resources
Click here for studies and statistics
Contact Information
Anthony Hixon |
Shawn Seguin |