Mission Statement
The mission of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Women Veterans Issues Program is to aide Women Veterans by providing information and assistance to resolve issues inside and outside of the Order. Provide relevant information on improvements and updates to the VA's Women Veterans Programs. Advocate for positive change through partnerships, training, and the exchange of information. We will identify barriers that will hinder progression to achieve goals and recommend outreach activities for women and their families both members and non-members. Speak at events providing information on women benefits and achieving goals.
Assisting Women one issue at a time

Center for Women Veteranshttps://www.va.gov/womenvet/
National Association of State Women Veteran Coordinators
Women Veterans Health Care
Women Veterans Institute research Outreach Engagement
Women Veteran-Owned Small Business Initiative
Women Veterans Call Center: 1-855-VA-WOMEN
Events coming soon...
Contact Information
Blanca Taylor
Director Of Women Veterans Issues