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Click below for the National Officers Organizational Chart 2023-2024

Leadership Listings

National Commander Carder Ferguson

National Senior Vice Commander Robert Olivarez

National Junior Vice Commander Tracey L. Brown Greene

Chaplain Carlton Cannon Sr.

Regional Commanders

Region 1 Map Region 1 Commander
Region 1 Has 7 Departments
Region 1 Commander
Frank Bokan
Region 2 Map Region 2 Commander
Region 2 Has 10 Departments
Region 2 Commander
Terry Anderson
Region 3 Map Region 3 Commander
Region 3 Has 6 Departments
Region 3 Commander
Larry Rupp
Region 4 Map Region 4 Commander
Region 4 Has 7 Departments
Region 4 Commander
Frances Figueroa
Region 5 Map Region 5 Commander
Region 5 Has 7 Departments
Region 5 Commander
Gus Wittschack
Region 6 Map Region 6 Commander
Region 6 Has 5 Departments
Region 6 Commander
Charles Anderson

Officer Duties

Duties of National Officers: As the executive head of the MOPH shall have full power to enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of the Order within the limitations of these Articles. They shall carry out the orders and directives of the National Convention and the Executive Committee by issuing such orders as may be necessary. Preside at the National Convention and National Executive Committee (NEC) meetings. Decide all questions of law and usage. Decisions may be appealed to the National Convention or the NEC bodies respectively.

Duties of Regional Officers: Assist the National Junior Vice Commander, the National Senior Vice Commander and National Commander by counsel and otherwise. Are directly responsible for the development of effective programs for new membership and organization of new chapters and departments in their respective Regions. Supervises the activities of each Department and/or State within the region’s boundaries. For this purpose, will issue such orders as may be necessary to enforce a strict observance and compliance with all orders from the National Headquarters.

Duties of Department Officers: Preside at the Department Convention and Department Executive Committee meetings. Enforce a strict observance of the Order’s bylaws. Ensure compliance with orders from National Headquarters. They are responsible for public awareness of department activities and purpose. Perform such other duties as the Bylaws may require. Approve all warrants before they may be paid by the Finance Officer.

Duties of Chapter Officers: Preside at all meetings of the chapter; enforce a strict observance of the bylaws and usage of the Corporation, and all orders from proper authority. Approve all warrants drawn up by the Chapter Adjutant for the appropriation of monies made and passed at a regular meeting of the chapter. Checks issued by the Chapter Finance Officer should be co-signed when possible. Perform such other duties as the Bylaws of the Corporation may require. They are responsible for public awareness of chapter activities and purpose.

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